Q&A Session

I've decided to do a Q&A session?  Here's your chance to ask anything you've ever wanted to know. No personal questions about my family please. Anything else is fair game. So what would you like to know?

Poetry Give Away

Calling all poetry lovers!  In honor of our Nation’s Birthday I am giving away the ebook, Beautifully Crazy.  Go to https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/42460 and use offer code CM94L, at checked out.  Offer ends on July 4th.


I love books, thanks to my upbringing, I have never gone without when it came to having something to read.  For this I am grateful.  I just want to remind others to help young people to read and give them something to read, that's why I started Please Read To Me.
On another note, for those of you who have or use Goodreads I am now on the site. Join me at http://www.goodreads.com/Max_M_Power and feel free to add me as a friend. Feel free to ask me anything about my books or characters.  I look forward to hearing from you.